ES R-22 computer, central unit

R-22 computer

The purpose of the Unified Computer System (ES), established in 1969 on the initiative of the Soviet Union, was to develop in a close cooperation and to produce a common computer family.

The goal of the concept was to implement a modern design, with a technological architecture based on hardware and software solutions. The 8-bit code here called byte became the basic unit of representing data. 4 bytes were called a word, and data fields longer than that were the integer multiples of the basic unit, to a maximum of 256 bytes.

The basic models of the ES were the computers called R-10, R-20, R-21, R30, R-40 and R-50, with the designation standard of ES-1010, ES-1020, ES-1021, ES-1030, ES-1040 and ES-1050. More than 150 different devices could be connected to them. They had a high degree of compatibility, namely one program written for a model could be run on the other models without any or with just a minor change.

The smallest member of the ES was the R10 computer. The first version of this (1010B) based on the license of a French machine (CII 10010) was developed at SzKI. The mass production of the R-10 version accepted later at the official approbation process, started around 1973 at Videoton. The machine proved to be very profitable as an on-line data collecting system. Its versatility was increased by the fact, that as "real-time peripheral devices", analogue input and an analogue-digital converter existed for it as well.

For comparison’s sake, next to the Hungarian machine, we exhibited the soviet computer called R22 representing the second category in the ES.