About us

Dear Visitor,

Did you know that a ladybird robot can be offended? And do you know how to make it up to it? Would you like to be a boss or a secretary in an office of 50 years ago? Would you like to check and test a working call centre from the middle of the last century? Would you be surprised to learn that all what a tiny little nano- or micro-chip knows today was impossible to get from a huge, cabinet-size mammoth machine? Are you interested in genuine relics concerning John von Neumann? You only can see these and the many other interesting things if you visit the COMPUTER EXHIBITION in Szeged. You can see and try or laugh about the information technology devices of the old times. When making your smartphone to do smart things for you by moving the icons with the tip of your fingers, do not forget those who fought with the primitive, slow and stupid machines without operating systems and their little convenient services, so that?based on their many thousands of man-years work?our translation programs used today could be born that convert the icon pushing to an understandable series of bits for the computer. For a moment, think about those who based and put down the bottom layer of the pyramid: because without the “sweat of their faces” your shiny smartphone wouldn’t be more than a few grams of metal junk containing coloured metal, with some sand (SiO2) contamination.

As of December 2012, our fantastic permanent exhibition was opened the collection of which takes the visitors to a special time travel to the world of bits and bytes, using the most advanced technology.

We wish you a pleasant stay!

John von Neumann Computer Society



NJSZT was founded in 1968. The objective of the founders was to provide a professional forum to the professionals of the computer science in its infancy at that time and represent their interests. Today the Society operates several professional departments covering all branches of the information science and its regional professional organizations are present across the country. It is participating in a number of international projects and it is member of the most important international ICT trade associations.

In addition to its professional duties the Society is making its voice heard more and more forcefully in order to achieve the digital equality of the Hungarian population. A few years ago it created the DE program so that from the three pillars of the information society: knowledge (3I), infrastructure, need, the pillar of knowledge will be given a clear priority.

Besides the Internet Knowledge (Netszeregy), the ECDL Start and ECDL, the newest element of NJSZT’s interdependent training modules is the e-Administration for Beginners which is a complex, interactive one-day course during which the students can learn about the e-administration. Our recent accredited training course is the Digital skills for everyone?from the basics to the ECDL.

One of NJSZT’s key tasks is the preservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage; ‘We do our best to present the results of the information and communication technology of the past century, the past of the future, in an internationally remarkable way, by using the technology of the 21st century’ (István Alföldi, managing director). The realization of this is the permanent Exhibition in the Agora in Szeged which is the result of a significant intellectual and financial investment and which the Society would like to keep developing in order to present a collection that rivals the leading museums of IT history across the globe. Collecting the objects of the exhibition is the result of several decades of work where the merits of Dániel Muszka (✝), Győző Kovács (✝), Mihály Bohus should be emphasized.

On NJSZT’s website and Facebook page, you can obtain detailed information on the Society’s tasks, activities and programs offered to experts and amateurs.