In 1968, the EMG developed the plan of a second generation computer named EMG 830, operation speed of which was 25,000 operations/second, with a memory capacity of 24 bit/word. In 1969, under the direction of Árpád Klatsmányi, the middle category computer for digital administration applications, constructed from silicon based semiconductors, was built. The EMG 830 modular computer was the first?and single?fully transistorized electronic computer ever developed in Hungary. Its architecture is typified by the modularity and the buses; its modern architecture greatly superior to the similar middle category machines. The EMG played an unfairly small role within the the Unified Computer System (ES), formed by the Socialist countries although the model 830 was a world-class construction. Operation speed: 25,000 MIPS. Max. operative memory capacity 32 Kword (1 word = 24 bit) The main parts of the configuration?beside the CPU and the main memory were? the magnetic tape memory, the changeable magnetic disc memory, fast access magnetic disc memory and a control panel equipped with an IBM produced type ball typewriter, combined with punched tape units.
The computer exhibited here was used by the Nr. 43 Building Industry Company, being one of the most significant state-owned enterprises of its time. As interesting facts, we list a few programs that were run at the company: sizing of a flexibly embedded unidirectionally hardened disc; modified simplex method; cost diagram of investment program; net design with MPM method, timing with critical road method; wage statistic.
Képes Gábor - Álló Géza: A jövő múltja, NJSZT, Budapest, 2013.
Gerl Zsolt – Az EMG-830 számítógép rendszer
Kóta Gábor – Az EMG 830 aritmetikai rendszere
Gál Jenő – Az EMG 830 Input-Output rendszere
Havass Miklós – Az EMG 830 külső szoftver fejlesztések
Sütő-Nagy István – Az EMG 830 saját szoftver fejlesztések
Bagonyi László – Az EMG 830 számítógép szerviz